The Crossing is the English-speaking, multiethnic ministry of Chinese For Christ Church of Hayward, a non-denominational, evangelical Christian church in the East Bay Area, CA.

We are a growing community of believers connecting to God in authentic worship, and to people in genuine relationships.

Although we started as an Asian-American church, we've grown into a multicultural ministry serving Hayward, Castro Valley, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, and Union City.

  • Our Location

  • Our Statement of Faith

  • Our Church By-Laws

  • Our Subversive Vows
  • our vision
    "THE CROSSING is an English-speaking, multi-ethnic ministry
    crossing generations and cultures together in Christ
    to love God, love people, and serve the world."

    This vision guides our spiritual community to worship, grow & serve together, and reach people of the East Bay Area to become authentic, passionate followers of Jesus.  Our goal is to experience a transformational, relational, missional life together in Christ, in our personal, local, and global communities.

    our values

    Experience God's Truth • Reach People • Authentic Community • Maximize Involvement •
    Family Across Generations & Cultures • Worship God

    WORSHIP:  Experiencing and glorifying God
    We believe passionate corporate worship is a natural response to our majestic God.

    FELLOWSHIP:  Connecting in authentic community
    We believe that our faith in Jesus is lived out in community.

    DISCIPLESHIP:  Learning and growing in God's Truth
    We believe in the centrality of God's Word for life transformation.

    SERVICE:  Maximizing our gifts and involvement
    We believe every follower of Jesus is to maximize their God-given talents & gifts.

    OUTREACH:  Reaching people both locally and globally
    We believe God loves & values all people, including those who do not know Him yet.

    FAMILY:  Crossing generations & cultures together
    We believe God's blessings come through the family.